Tuesday, 15 July 2008

A message from Professor Malcolm Hooper

Permission to Repost

A message from Professor Malcolm Hooper

"Attention is drawn to the recently-released apology from the Journal of
Clinical Pathology regarding the alleged retraction of the Review 'Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis: a review with emphasis on key findings in biomedical
research' by Professor Malcolm Hooper. Professor Hooper notes that the
immoderate and malicious comments which were posted on the internet
regarding his paper have been shown to be false. He is saddened that such
comments from those who profess to have the best interests of the ME
community at heart have caused distress, dismay and confusion within the
wider ME community".

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http://jcp.bmj. com

http://jcp.bmj. com/misc/ hooper.dtl

The BMJ Group wishes to inform readers that a series of technical errors
resulted in the unjustified retraction of the article "Myalgic
encephalomyelitis: a review with emphasis on key findings in biomedical
research". The article's citation details remain as originally published
(J Clin Pathol 2007; 60: 466 - 471; doi:10.1136/ jcp.2006. 042408).

The Journal of Clinical Pathology offers an unreserved apology to the
author of the article, Professor Malcolm Hooper, and regrets any confusion
or distress that may have been caused.

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Note: The Original Paper can now be found back on teh JCP website

http://jcp.bmj. com/cgi/content/ abstract/ 60/5/466? maxtoshow= &HITS=10& hits=10&RESULTFO RMAT=&author1= hooper&andorexac tfulltext= and&searchid= 1&FIRSTINDEX= 0&sortspec= relevance& resourcetype= HWCIT

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