Monday, 14 July 2008

ME Research UK DVD

*****Please Repost and Disseminate to Your Local Groups*****

ME Research UK are pleased to offer the 4-DVD set of this year’s Cambridge
ME conference for just £5 inclusive of post and packing (within the UK).

At this price why not buy extra copies for your GP, Consultant and MP?

Why not take advantage of this excellent opportunity to send this
information to as large a number of professionals as possible.

If you would like them to, MERUK will, for no extra charge, send DVDs direct
to your doctor with a covering letter. Just let us have your doctor’s name
and address and we will do the rest.

You can order your DVDs by contacting meruk@pkavs. or writing to: ME
Research UK, The Gateway, North Methven Street, Perth PH1 5PP, UK. Please
make cheques out to “ME Research UK”.

We can also take credit/debit card orders over the phone on 01738 451234
during working hours.

Full details of the presentations can be found on the MERUK website at:
http://www.meresear archive/newhoriz ons2008.html

Sue Waddle

ME Research UK

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