Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Anouncement from the MEA website - may be reposted

As part of the information gathering process in relation to establishing a UK post-mortem and tissue bank for ME/CFS research, Dr Charles Shepherd visited the Medical Research Council's Brain Banks in Edinburgh last week - where he met with Dr Colin Smith and Professor James Ironside.

The Edinburgh Brain Banks currently collect, store and provide tissue to researchers who are looking at a number of diseases - in particular HIV/AIDs (where tissue in addition to brain and nervous system is collected) and CJD. They also collect brain tissue from people without neurological disease for control purposes.

Dr Shepherd and Tony Britton will both be attending the Invest in ME Conference on Friday this week where they will have an information leaflet that summarises the current state of affairs regarding the establishment of a UK brain and tissue bank for ME/CFS research. Dr Shepherd and Tony Britton will also be very happy to talk to anyone who is interested in this aspect of ME/CFS research during breaks at the meeting.

Fundraising information for the MEA tissue bank initiative can be found at: - you can donate money via a link on the MEA charity page on this site or via the 'Just Four Quid' link on the MEA website: uk


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