Thursday, 29 December 2011

I fought off ME

Belfast ME Support Group Meeting

Belfast ME Support Group Meeting
Tuesday 3rd January 2012
The Emerald Roadhouse
Finaghy Road North, Belfast
New Members welcome
Contact Antoinette Christie / Jeanette Marley

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Dr William Weir has just informed us that he will be attending our ME SUPPORT GROUP on Tuesday 6th December.
Dr Weir works part-time as a Consultant Physician in the NHS but he also runs a private ME/CFS Clinic at 10, Harley Street, London.


On Tuesday 6/12/11, Stuart Drennan will be attending our group and would like to talk to as many people as possible with regards to what it actually feels like to live with ME - he is currently working on a script for a short film with regards to ME. Stuart is a local writer and film maker, who is also a close family friend. There is no obligation for anyone to speak to him, but he would really appreciate your feedback as he is concerned that without speaking to actual sufferers he will not get a true picture of the emotional impact of this illness on individuals.

Stuart has worked on several TV series including Seacht, Maru, In Cold Blood, as well as a short films "Annalogue Love", and "Infliction".

We would be very grateful if as many people as possible could take some time to talk to Stuart about their experiences.

Monday, 11 July 2011

ME support group

Familyfights4me will be holding their first ME support group meeting on Tuesday August 2nd at 7pm in the Emerald Roadhouse, Finaghy Road North, Belfast

Any ME Sufferers wishing to attend please contact me to book a place

Sunday, 10 July 2011

WPI: An Introduction

Message from Event Organiser re Judy Mikovits Talk in Belfast

It was a great honour for us all to meet Dr. Judy Mikovits in Belfast. Her quiet determination was clear for all to see and also her committment to helping patients all over the world.

She had time and patience to answer any questions we put to her and she left us with the greatest gift of all....HOPE for a better future.

Whatever the eventual outcome of the xmrv story, there will be no going back from the progress that has been made since this discovery in 2009.

The May conference has put N.Ireland on the M.E. map and this is just the beginning!! Watch this space!

I feel I am so blessed to have good friends like Antoinette and Jeanette, thank you both for all your hard work and help with everything I do.

Joan McParland

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Chronic Fatigue syndrome-misnamed-misdiagnosed-misunderstood

Monday, 6 June 2011

Voices from the Shadows!/VoicesfromtheShadows

Belfast Marathon

I would like to say thank you to all who sponsored familyfights4me on doing the Belfast Marathon, a grand total of £1091.00 is the total so far for ME Research uk.

The 6th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2011

Voices from the Shadows Trailer

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Follow us on Facebook!/profile.php?id=100000620851967

"Arnie's Story": A Child's CFS, Misdiagnosed as Munchausen's by Proxy

Please keep voting

David Bell

Stop Victimising The Disabled, Leave Their Benefits Alone

Jane Colby of The Young ME Sufferers Trust

You can now follow Jane Colby of The Young ME Sufferers Trust on Twitter @JaneCColby


Here we go


Hi all have been neglecting my blog abit and feeling pretty guilty :(

Now I'm back watch this space :)